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㊕rpg maker mv新功能☪

〄数据库道具上限提升 ✿自动三层级地图
☪高分辨率游戏画面 触屏控制✿
输出Windows exe文件、Mac App文件、安卓Apk和iOS ipa✿

✉开发: KADOKAWA ✿ Yoji Ojima
✉发行: Degica

RPGMV游戏难度设置 [推荐脚本]














在你把difficulties.json数据文件夹,把里面的你ssg_difficultysetting.js js /插件文件夹。使用任何文本编辑器打开diffifficulties.json你会发现这样的事情


[ // <- don't touch this


        : ,

        : 60,

        : 60,

        : 50,

        : 50,

        : 50,

        : 50,

        : 50,

        : 50,

        : 50,


        : 200,

        : 200,





] // <- don't touch this





"name": "Very Easy",

"mhp": 60,

"mmp": 60,

"atk": 50,

"def": 50,

"mat": 50,

"mdf": 50,

"agi": 50,

"luk": 50,

"exp": 50,


"buy": 200,

"sell": 200,




"name": "Easy",

"mhp": 80,

"mmp": 80,

"atk": 100,

"def": 100,

"mat": 100,

"mdf": 100,

"agi": 100,

"luk": 100,

"exp": 100,


"buy": 100,

"sell": 100,




"name": "Normal",

"mhp": 100,

"mmp": 100,

"atk": 100,

"def": 100,

"mat": 100,

"mdf": 100,

"agi": 100,

"luk": 100,

"exp": 100,


"buy": 100,

"sell": 100,




"name": "Hard",

"mhp": 180,

"mmp": 180,

"atk": 150,

"def": 150,

"mat": 150,

"mdf": 150,

"agi": 150,

"luk": 150,

"exp": 150,


"buy": 100,

"sell": 100,




"name": "Very Hard",

"mhp": 230,

"mmp": 230,

"atk": 200,

"def": 200,

"mat": 200,

"mdf": 200,

"agi": 200,

"luk": 200,

"exp": 200,


"buy": 100,

"sell": 100,




~ ~名字~ ~


~ ~ MHP,MMP,攻击力,防御,攻击力,垫,MDF,AgI,Luk ~ ~

敌人的属性设置。值代表的百分比(100 100%)

~~ ~~口,黄金


~ ~买,卖~ ~


~ ~开关~ ~

将指定的开关应用一个难度级别时。开关应宣告阵列(即[1,2,3])。如果你不想使用这个功能,只是将它设置为[ 0 ]。从其他难度等级的开关将被关闭,但你可以有相同的开关在不同的难度级别声明(看我如何设定开关6在0和2上的困难




// SSG_DifficultySetting.js

// Version 1.0.1



 * @plugindesc Add difficulty feature on your game.

 * <SSG_DifficultySetting>

 * @author Heartbreak61


 * @help

 * ============================================================================

 *                 [Simple Stupid Gaming] Difficulty Setting

 *                             脚本https://rgpmv.lofter.com/在这里

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



 * This plugin allows you to set difficulties that affects enemies stats, exp,

 * gold, and shop price. You can choose wether to display difficulty setting on

 * Game Option screen or not (default: on). In case you don't want to, you can

 * switch difficulty levels using Event Plugin Command.


 * Before using this plugin, please make sure that you have file Difficulty.json

 * and place that file on the "data" folder of your current project. Edit your

 * Difficulty.json to your liking. You may add or remove difficulty levels as

 * long as you follow the pattern.


 * ============================================================================

 *                        DIFFICULTY.JSON EXPLANATION

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 *                                ~~ name ~~


 * Set your difficulty level name that will be displayed on the Option Screen.

 * Values must be a string (wrapped by quotes or double quotes sign).


 * The tables is an Array. It means that the first element's ID is 0.

 * You should make your difficulty level sorted from easiest to hardest. As

 * it will make sense for the player when they set difficulty on the option

 * screen



 *              ~~ mhp, mmp, atk, def, atk, mat, mdf, agi, luk ~~

 * Set enemy's stats. Values represent percentage (100 is 100%)



 *                              ~~ exp, gold ~~

 * Set enemy's exp and gold. Values represent percentage



 *                              ~~ buy, sell ~~

 * Affect price when buying or selling items on the shop. Values represent

 * percentage



 *                              ~~ switches ~~

 * Will specified set of switches to ON when a difficulty level applied.

 * Switches should be declared in array (i.e. [1,2,3]). If you don't want to

 * use this feature, just set it to [0]. Switches from other difficulty level

 * will be turned OFF but you can have same switches declared on different

 * difficulty level (See how I set switch 6 on difficulty 0 and 2 on the

 * example table below).

 * Please note that switches CAN'T be turned off using normal way.


 *                      Author's Note About Switches:

 * In case you don't know, you can use switches for enemy skill condition.

 * So you can set an enemy to cast different skills on different difficulty

 * level.



 * ============================================================================

 *                                PLUGIN COMMAND

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * To set difficulties using Plugin command, please write:


 *     setDifficulty Number

 *     example: setDifficulty 4


 * Using the example table below, it will set the difficulty level to very hard.


 * ============================================================================

 *                             SPECIFIC ENEMY SETTING

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * To override the table (for example, you find that 250% of DEF is too high

 * for certain enemies, you can write this line on enemy notebox


 *<param difficulty: difficultyLevel, param, value>

 *example: <def_difficulty: 4, def, 250>


 * It will set enemy's DEF on difficulty 4 to 250%.


 * Or you can write these lines for multiple assignment

 * <enemy difficulty>

 *difficultyLevel, param, value

 *difficultyLevel, param, value


 *</enemy difficulty>



 * <enemy difficulty>

 *3, atk, 150

 *3, def, 125

 *4, atk, 200


 *</enemy difficulty>



 * valid arguments for enemy stats is:


 *     mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk, exp, gold


 * Note: default parameter limiter for enemy will still be applied. For example,

 * you won't be able to set enemy's ATK to a value more than 999.


 * ============================================================================

 *                                 TERM OF USE

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * Free to use on both commercial or non-commercial project as long as you

 * give credits to me. ;)


 * ============================================================================

 *                                 CHANGELOG

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 2015.11.16 ver 0.9.9

 *   - Finished beta version


 * 2015.11.26 ver 1.0.0

 *   - Added   : display on Option Screen

 *   - Added   : option to turn switches on

 *   - Changed : change from using Game_System to SSG_Heartbreak static class



 * 2015.11.27 ver 1.0.1

 *   - Fixed   :  Attempt to fix error about not being able to read property of

 *                'length' from null object


 * 2015.11.28 ver 1.0.2

 *   - Fixed   : Improved fix method from ver 1.0.1. Now it should work properly.

 *   - Fixed   : Bug that caused user to be able to set switches from another

 *               difficulty level to ON

 *   - Added   : Better documentation


 * ============================================================================

 *                                 END OF HELP

 * ============================================================================

 * @param Show Difficulty Option

 * @desc Show Difficulty on Option Window

 * @default true


 * @param Default Difficulty

 * @desc Your default starting difficulty level. This value will be replaced by game option save data.

 * @default 0



 * "Register" this plugin on a variable called Imported, which is the way

 * many scripter check for other's script existence.


var Imported = Imported || {};

Imported['SSG Difficulty Setting'] = '1.0.2';


 * Create new object SSG_Heartbreak which I intend to use on most of my future script


var SSG_Heartbreak = SSG_Heartbreak || {};


(function() {

'use strict';

var params = $plugins.filter(function(plugin) {

return plugin.description.indexOf('<SSG_DifficultySetting>') != -1;


var showDiff = (params['Show Difficulty Option'].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false;

var defDiff = Number(params['Default Difficulty'] || 0);


// Array.unique

Array.prototype.unique = function() {

var o = {}, i, l = this.length, r = [];

for (i=0; i<l; i++) o[this[i]] = this[i];

for (i in o) r.push(o[i]);

return r;



// SSG_Heartbreak

SSG_Heartbreak.conversionTable = ['mhp','mmp','atk','def','mat','mdf','agi','luk','exp','gold'];

SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable = [];

SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches = [];

SSG_Heartbreak.regexOverOn = /<enemy difficulty>/;

SSG_Heartbreak.regexOverOff = /<\/enemy difficulty>/;


 * A method to tell the engine to scan enemies data from $dataEnemies.


SSG_Heartbreak.loadEnemyDifficulty = function() {

if (SSG_Heartbreak.isDataEnemyLoaded()) {





 * Create enemy difficulty multiplier based on global difficulty multiplier and tell the engine

 * to scan enemy note, which will set specific enemy multiplier.


SSG_Heartbreak.scanData = function(data){

for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){

if (!!data[i]){







 * A method to create enemy difficulty multiplier based on global difficulty multiplier.


SSG_Heartbreak.createEnemyMultiplier = function(object){

object.paramMultiplier = [];

var table = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable;

var limit = SSG_Heartbreak.conversionTable.length;

for (var i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {

object.paramMultiplier[i] = {};

var _keys = Object.keys(table[i]);

for (var ii = 0; ii <= limit; ii++) {

object.paramMultiplier[i][_keys[ii]] = table[i][_keys[ii]];





 * Method to scan specific enemy multiplier.


SSG_Heartbreak.scanDifficultyNote = function(object) {

var _ary = object.note.split(/[\r\n]/);

var _regex = /(\d+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\d+)/;

var _regexTwo = /<param difficulty:\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/;

var _bool = false;

for (var i = 0; i < _ary.length; i++){

var _line = _ary[i];

if (_line.match( _regexTwo )){

var _found = _line.match(_regexTwo);

var _dLv = Number(_found[1]);

var _param = _found[2]; 

var _value = Number(_found[3]);

object.paramMultiplier[_dLv][_param] = _value;


if (_line.match( SSG_Heartbreak.regexOverOn )) {

_bool = true;



if (_line.match( SSG_Heartbreak.regexOverOff )) {

_bool = false;



if (_bool = true && !!_line.match(_regex)) {

var _found = _line.match(_regex);

var _dLv = Number(_found[1]);

var _param = _found[2]; 

var _value = Number(_found[3]);

object.paramMultiplier[_dLv][_param] = _value;





 * A method to load Difficulties.json and store it on a variable which will be

 * used for lookup.


SSG_Heartbreak.loadDifficulty = function() {

    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

    var url = 'data/Difficulties.json';

    xhr.open('GET', url);


    xhr.onload = function() {

        if (xhr.status < 400) {

var str = xhr.responseText.replace(/[\r\n\t]/g,'');

str = str.replace('],}', ']}');

str = str.replace('},]', '}]');

SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable = JSON.parse(str);




xhr.onerror = function() {

var str = 'Failed to load /data/Difficulties.json file!';

        throw new Error(str);





 * A method to check wether enemies data and difficulty table has been loaded


SSG_Heartbreak.isDataEnemyLoaded = function() {

return (!!$dataEnemies && (SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable.length > 0));



// ConfigManager


 * Since we use game configuration, we need to create new properties called

 * "difficulty" of configuration.


var _ConfigManager_makeData = ConfigManager.makeData;

ConfigManager.makeData = function() {

var config = _ConfigManager_makeData.call(this);

config.difficulty = this.difficulty;

return config;



 * Everytime game configuration is saved, we need to make sure that our difficulty

 * is also being saved.


var _ConfigManager_applyData = ConfigManager.applyData;

ConfigManager.applyData = function(config) {

_ConfigManager_applyData.call(this, config);

this.difficulty = this.readDifficulty(config, 'difficulty');



 * And everytime game configuration is readed, we need our difficulty to be loaded too.


ConfigManager.readDifficulty = function(config, name) {

var value = config[name];

    if (value !== undefined) {

return value;

    } else {

        return defDiff;




 * We replaced default config manager way to load saved config data. Since we will load

 * difficulty name from our difficulty table, we need to move the default method when

 * we're sure that our difficulty table has fully being loaded.


var _ConfigManager_load = ConfigManager.load;

ConfigManager.load = function(){



// ==============================================================================

// Game_Switches


 * Setup switches that have any relationship with our difficulty table. 


var _Game_Switches_initialize = Game_Switches.prototype.initialize;

Game_Switches.prototype.initialize = function() {





 * We do not allow the game to alter switches from our difficulty table


var _Game_Switches_setValue = Game_Switches.prototype.setValue;

Game_Switches.prototype.setValue = function(switchId, value) {

var table = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable

var diff = ConfigManager.difficulty;

var swTrue = table[diff]["switches"];

var swFalse = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches;

if (swFalse.contains(switchId) || swTrue.contains(switchId)) { return; }

_Game_Switches_setValue.call(this, switchId, value);



 * Method to set all switches from current difficulty level to on. This method

 * also turn all switches from another difficulty level to off. 


Game_Switches.prototype.setDifficultySwitches = function() {

var table = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable.slice();

var diff = ConfigManager.difficulty;

var swTrue = table[diff]["switches"] || [];

SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches = []

for (var i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {

if (i === diff) { continue; }

if ( !!table[i]["switches"] ) {




SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches.join().split(',').filter(function(m) {

return !!m;}).unique();

for (var i = 0; i < SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches.length; i++) {

var sw;

SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches[i] = Number(SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches[i])

sw = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyFalseSwitches[i];

if (sw > 0 && sw < $dataSystem.switches.length) {

this._data[sw] = false;



for (var i = 0; i < swTrue.length; i++) {

swTrue[i] = Number(swTrue[i]);

this._data[swTrue[i]] = true;


if (!!$gameMap) this.onChange();


// ==============================================================================

// Game_Interpreter


 * Set our plugin command that can be invoked from event command. Everytime we set

 * our difficulty, we need to update game switches and config manager.


var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;

Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {

_Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);

if (command.toLowerCase() === 'setdifficulty') {

ConfigManager.difficulty = args[0];





// ==============================================================================

// Game_Enemy


 * A method to calculate final stats


Game_Enemy.prototype.paramDifficultyFormula = function(id, value) {

var mult, enemy = this.enemy(), dl = ConfigManager.difficulty;

mult = enemy.paramMultiplier[dl][id];

return Math.floor(value * mult / 100);



 * Alter param base using formula


var _Game_Enemy_paramBase = Game_Enemy.prototype.paramBase;

Game_Enemy.prototype.paramBase = function(paramId) {

var value = _Game_Enemy_paramBase.call(this, paramId);

var key = SSG_Heartbreak.conversionTable[paramId];

return this.paramDifficultyFormula(key, value);



 * Alter enemy exp using formula


var _Game_Enemy_exp = Game_Enemy.prototype.exp;

Game_Enemy.prototype.exp = function() {

var value = _Game_Enemy_exp.call(this);

return this.paramDifficultyFormula('exp', value);



 * Alter enemy exp using formula


var _Game_Enemy_gold = Game_Enemy.prototype.gold;

Game_Enemy.prototype.gold = function() {

var value = _Game_Enemy_gold.call(this);

return this.paramDifficultyFormula('gold', value);


// ==============================================================================

// Window_ShopBuy


 * Alter shop buying price. Since we can't create individual table on shop like

 * we did on enemies, we need to look at our global difficulty table


var _Window_ShopBuy_price = Window_ShopBuy.prototype.price;

Window_ShopBuy.prototype.price = function(item){

var value = _Window_ShopBuy_price.call(this, item),

diffLevel = ConfigManager.difficulty,

table = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable,

mult = table[diffLevel]['buy'];

return Math.floor( value * mult / 100);


// ==============================================================================

// Scene_Boot


 * Tell the engine to load enemy difficulty when enemies data and our difficulty table

 * has been loaded. Maybe there's a better way to do this, instead of do regular check

 * at the beginning of the game. But since we only do this on the Scene Boot, lets leave

 * it at it is right now.


Scene_Boot.prototype.update = function() {

if (SSG_Heartbreak.isDataEnemyLoaded()){ SSG_Heartbreak.loadEnemyDifficulty(); }



// ==============================================================================

// Scene_Shop


 * Alter shop selling price. Since we can't create individual table on shop like

 * we did on enemies, we need to look at our global difficulty table


var _Scene_Shop_sellingPrice = Scene_Shop.prototype.sellingPrice;

Scene_Shop.prototype.sellingPrice = function() {

var value = _Scene_Shop_sellingPrice.call(this),

diffLevel = ConfigManager.difficulty,

table = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable,

mult = table[diffLevel]['sell'];

return Math.floor( value * mult / 100);


// ==============================================================================

// Window_Options


 * Any fancy things we will do on Window Option only valid if we set plugin parameter

 * 'Show Difficulty Option' to true


if (showDiff) {


 * Add difficulty option at the end of the command list


var _Window_Options_makeCommandList = Window_Options.prototype.makeCommandList;

Window_Options.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {


this.addCommand('Difficulty', 'difficulty');



 * Set status text from the "name" value from our difficulty table


var _Window_Options_statusText = Window_Options.prototype.statusText;

Window_Options.prototype.statusText = function(index) {

var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);

var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);

if (symbol === 'difficulty') {

return SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable[value]['name'];


return _Window_Options_statusText.call(this, index);



 * When window option tell to the engine to save configuration,

 * we need to tell it not to forget to save our difficulty setting.


var _Window_Options_processOk = Window_Options.prototype.processOk;

Window_Options.prototype.processOk = function() {

var index = this.index();

var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);

var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);

var max = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable.length - 1

if (symbol === 'difficulty') {

value = value.clamp(0, max);

this.changeValue(symbol, value);

} else {





 * Add method on process cursor right for difficulty option


var _Window_Options_cursorRight = Window_Options.prototype.cursorRight;

Window_Options.prototype.cursorRight = function(wrap) {

var index = this.index();

var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);

var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);

var max = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable.length - 1

if (symbol === 'difficulty') {


value = value.clamp(0, max);

this.changeValue(symbol, value);


} else {

_Window_Options_cursorRight.call(this, wrap);




 * Add method on process cursor left for difficulty option


var _Window_Options_cursorLeft = Window_Options.prototype.cursorLeft;

Window_Options.prototype.cursorLeft = function(wrap) {

var index = this.index();

var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);

var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);

var max = SSG_Heartbreak.difficultyTable.length - 1

if (symbol === 'difficulty') {


value = value.clamp(0, max);

this.changeValue(symbol, value);


} else {

_Window_Options_cursorLeft.call(this, wrap);



}; //if (showDiff)


})(); // (function() {

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